our services

Dog and Cat Services Provided

I have created special pricing depending on your needs for either permanent or temporary pet residence. With daily, weekly and monthly rates for both dogs and cats I will help you make the right choice for your situation.

jUntil We Meet Again pet retirement

For each of the dog residents it is important to educate and integrate them into my home environment. All dogs are housed in my home in special pens situated in all areas of the home with 24 hour companionship and supervision. 

Dogs will enjoy 4-5 walks a day around my 5 acres and quality time outside (weather permitting) in what I call “doggy speed dating” areas.  With the ability to move around to different fenced in enclosures, doggy cabanas and decks, they experience different smells, sounds, sights and doggy neighbors. They will also spend quality time inside my home where I have created different work stations for myself so they are a part of my loving home environment 24 hours a day.   Chewing bones, playing with toys or just having some cuddle time with me is all part of our daily routine. 

Until We Meet Again pet retirement

The cats occupy all the rooms in the upper floor of my home. At night they have their own cat condos but during the day time they have the same opportunity to move around inside my home in special play areas. Future renovations will provide them with several different sunrooms and catzebos (enclosed gazebos for cats outside) full of toys and activities  where they will have the chance to spend quality time experiencing the outdoors safely and being stimulated by nature and their surroundings.

Attached is a chart with all the services that we offer.

Until We Meet Again pet retirement